Raising funds with a BBQ in a firehall - a charity fundraiser
The Govan branch of the Last Mountain Co-op held its annual BBQ at the downtown Gazebo on September 19th.
September 20, 2023
They served burgers, hotdogs, cold drinks, as well as ice cream. This year, proceeds went to the Govan Library.
The Library, as well as some other spaces in the community centre, are looking to replace a few windows and board up the rest; see the above notice. When offered a discount on advertising costs in exchange for a donation receipt, we were told it was too much trouble. I guess the Co-op has more money than the newspaper anyway, so let those saps pay for it. Glad to be part of a community where pennies don't exist and, contrary to the old adage, not every one of them counts, not even 9200.
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