A natural pattern accelerated
There always seem to be divisive issues in agriculture – the Canadian Wheat Board for years – and today the idea of cutting greenhouse emissions would lead the list.
July 29, 2024
Certainly, the federal government believes farmers and Canada's agriculture industry should cut greenhouse gas emissions. Across much of the Prairies, at least, anything coming out of Ottawa is seen as bad theses days - a view reinforced in Saskatchewan by a Premier that works hard to deflect the reasons for all provincial woes to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
But dig past the rhetoric of two levels of government at near constant loggerheads. Is the vision of cutting greenhouse gases a good one? The obvious answer is yes, but that yes does come with a massive caveat. While there are naysayers--there are flat earthers, too--the science makes it rather clear we are seeing climate change, and that is particularly concerning for the farm sector, which is by nature weather-reliant.
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