Air Cadets AGM Highlights
Saskatchewan Air Cadet League gathers for annual meeting, awards, and training sessions in Regina
Submitted by Pat Sinnett
November 18, 2024
Key points from this story:
• 26 of 34 squadrons represented at AGM
• Informative talks on Cadet program and opportunities
• Summer camp awards and scholarships presented
• New executive and board members elected
• Provincial awards given to supporters and volunteers
• Training sessions held for squadron representatives
The Air Cadet League of Saskatchewan held their AGM, Awards Banquet and information sessions on October 25, 26 & 27 in Regina. There were 26 of the 34 squadrons represented by their sponsors or parent groups. The 797 SSC Chair Catherine Meikle & 797 Treasurer Sarah Kwochka represented the 797 K of C Lanigan Air Cadets committee.
The Friday night "registration & social" was followed by informative talks from LCdr Alan Cann, Commanding Officer Central Prairie Area RCSY (NW), on the path DND is going with the cadet program. Kacie Loshka, SPRA Consultant Grants and Online Services, informed us of opportunities available to squadrons. Brian Ludwig Sask. League Provincial Treasurer informed us of how all squadrons have to be registered as a Non-Profit. The last presentation was on "Screen Time, Social Media, Online Safety, & Youth Mental Health by the husband & wife team Cpl. A.J. Rodier -Regina Police Service School Resource Unit and Jennifer Yim-Rodier- Canadian Certified Counsellor.
At the Cadets Award Luncheon, the Saskatchewan cadets that attended summer camp received awards & scholarships.
Gliding Licence:
- Emily Sawchuck 624 Sqn. Tisdale Plus SAC award
Power Licence:
- Sahal Mittal 38 Sqn. Prince Albert Plus Philipchuk award.
- Abeer Ahmed 34 Sqn. Regina
- Ella Anderson 41 Sqn. Regina
- Tayden Marshall 568 Sqn. Wynyard
IACE - Akshita Jain, 702 Sqn. Saskatoon, Also gave a talk & slide presentation on her trip to the USA and the Effective Speaking Provincial winner - Amelia Woods, 574 Sqn. Martensville, presented her winning speech to us during the luncheon. The afternoon was the Annual General Meeting, where a new executive was elected as well as 4 new Board of Directors to the 16 already on board. The Awards Banquet had Stars pilot Major (Ret'd) Michael Rogers from Regina as a guest speaker.
Then, Provincial Awards were presented to Squadrons & businesses that support the cadet program. The "Director of the Year" was announced as a director of 1 year (on the board) Alison Solmes from Warman (formerly of Lanigan) for her tireless work setting up the new "Online Volunteer Screening" program that the National Office provided. The Air Cadet League of Canada's "Provincial Distinguished Service Medal" was awarded to Larry Sinnett of Saskatoon (formerly of Lanigan). Larry has been affiliated with the Air Cadet League of Saskatchewan for over 47 years, holding many titles, including Provincial Chairman.
The Sunday morning was busy for the Squadron representatives as they covered SSC training on Incorporation, Risk Management, Effective Squadron Management, Volunteer Screening, and Volunteer Recruitment.
The Directors held their first meeting & covered squadron assignments to which the director was to assist and then a presentation was discussed about the Air Cadet League of Saskatchewan purchasing a Cessna 170 that would be leased to a flying company with the Saskatchewan squadrons being able to have first option to rent time for weekend Familiarization flights. The Board is proceeding with further study & negotiations on hopefully completing this.
The 797 Lanigan Air Cadet Squadron parades every Thursday night 6:30 to 9PM for youth 12 to 18 years old, from September to June 1st. The cadet parents hold monthly meetings on the first Thursday of every month where they assist the Squadron Officers with fundraising (for activities that are not DND funded) & assist in organizing optional activities for the cadets.
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