All Things Come of Thee, O God

Today is Thanksgiving Day. Do we give enough thanks to our Heavenly Father?

Public Submission

Rev. Jack L. Robson, Deacon, Last Mountain Anglican Parish

October 7, 2024

Key points from this story:

  • Duty to be thankful
  • Creation and blessings
  • Life comes from life
  • Thanking God for family and friends
  • Thanking God for partners in life
  • Jesus died for our sins

The Bible says it is our duty to be thankful. Do you think deeply about your Everlasting Heavenly Father, and His blessings to your life? Our first thoughts should be to the creation, of all the universe and all the earth, sea and sky, and all the creatures of the air, sea and land. We must include all the vegetation of the earth, all the elements that God created to make our world and that of the seemingly endless universe. It was fashionable a few years ago for scientists to completely disagree with a God that creates all things, but that is changing, as many, learned scientific minds have admitted that there is a Supreme Being, a Creator, as all of creation has a very intricate order that cannot be ignored. Do we ever give thanks?

Scientists have been working, to create life itself. Where does life come from? Life comes from life, and not from a test tube of assorted elements. The Lord God Almighty said, that we are created in His likeness. He created us from Himself, from life itself. How could a scientist ever create in a test tube, the cell, that contains the millions of DNA combinations, and most importantly, the spark that is human life and intelligence, the cell that would become a human being and remarkably does all the things we take for granted. There is sight, hearing, movement, intelligence, speech, reproduction, talents & abilities & more. The amazing persons we are, and each one of us is unique. Only our Heavenly Father could create a life that is us. Do we thank God for these things?

Do we say, "Thank You God," for our children & grandchildren as they are an extension of ourselves. We live on through our children. Are we thanking God for our wonderful parents and families, for our neighbors and friends.

We should thank our Lord God, for the men and women, our partners in life that have walked with us, lived with us, laughed and cried with us, overlooked our faults, the loved ones across the table from us, that create unbelievable joy in our lives just by being there beside us, and the ones we remember with tears that have left a hole in our hearts when they were called home by their Savior. I have been blest with two wonderful wives. These partners are beyond special, and God brought them into our lives, to richly bless our lives.

We owe absolutely everything to our Lord God Almighty. God sent His only Son Jesus, to earth, to die for all our sins. His resurrection and His ascension into Heaven where He awaits to welcome His faithful children home with Him someday, if we only repent and ask for forgiveness. Remember to repeat each day John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."

"To God be our thanks forever, to God be the Glory." Happy Thanksgiving. Amen.

Minister Messagethanksgiving
