Another strong year of growth for Saskatchewan's economy with 14,000 jobs created in 2024
Statistics Canada's recently released labour force statistics show that Saskatchewan's labour market remained strong last year with more jobs than ever before.
Saskatchewan's economy created 14,000 jobs in 2024 and had the third lowest unemployment rate among provinces with a 5.5 per cent annual unemployment rate, well-below the national average of 6.7 per cent. 606,200 Saskatchewan people were employed last year which is an all-time record high.
"Saskatchewan is experiencing significant job growth, which is a direct result of the confidence job creators have in our economy," Deputy Premier and Immigration and Career Training Minister Jim Reiter said. "The opportunities being created by a strong economy means more people are living and working in Saskatchewan than ever before. That is why we are focused on growing access to health care and educational spaces for Saskatchewan people to ensure that our province remains the best place to live, work and raise a family in Canada."
In December 2024, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 5.9 per cent, well-below the national average of 6.7 per cent. The province also added 11,600 new jobs year-over-year in the month of December.
In December 2024, female employment reached an all-time high of 286,600. Year- over-year, female employment is up 8,800 an increase of 3.2 per cent and male employment is up by 2,800 an increase of 0.9 per cent.
Saskatoon saw major year-over-year job growth. Compared to December 2023, Saskatoon's employment was up 12,100 an increase of 6.1 per cent.
Major year-over-year job gains were reported in health care and social assistance, up 11,200 or 12.7 per cent, along with construction, which saw a gain of 6,000 or 14.3 per cent. Additionally, forestry, fishing, mining, oil and gas saw a gain of 2,500 or 12.1 per cent.
This economic growth is backed by the Government of Saskatchewan's recently released Building the Workforce for a Growing Economy: The Saskatchewan Labour Market Strategy, a roadmap to build the workforce needed to support Saskatchewan's strong and growing economy, and Securing the Next Decade of Growth: Saskatchewan's Investment Attraction Strategy, a plan to increase investment in the province and to further advance Saskatchewan's Growth Plan goal of $16 billion in private capital investment annually.
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