Calvin Daniels

A smell associated Members Public

While the contents were not particularly surprising, it was interesting to see that the pork industry can still be an economic driver

Calvin Daniels
business and agriculture

Roosting in the scrub bush Members Public

Increasingly finding time to actually get out and spend time in a field or cow pasture with a producer has become more difficult.

Calvin Daniels

A reasonable return Members Public

Anyone doubting there is confidence in the future of the canola industry need look no further than announcements made in Yorkton over the last few years.

Calvin Daniels

Next hot thing Members Public

One reason Canadian Prairie farmers have always managed to survive – at least as a collective – is their willingness to try new things.

Calvin Daniels
business and agriculture

Canadian oil Members Public

For decades the Canadian Prairies proudly wore the moniker ‘Bread Basket for the World,’ or at least a similar version of that label.

Calvin Daniels
business and agriculture

Meet the added demand Members Public

It is natural that when business is going well, everybody tends to jump in; eventually, the market saturates, and the good times level off to something where tighter margins are the rule.

Calvin Daniels
business and agriculture