Public Submission

Fork to Table – for Thanksgiving Members Public

For many of us, thanksgiving involves getting together with folks that you enjoy and eating a lot of food! In Canada it is timely as we have usually just finished or in the process of finishing the harvest of our gardens

Public Submission
business and agriculture

30th general election commences in Saskatchewan Members Public

Premier Scott Moe today requested that Lieutenant Governor Russ Mirasty dissolve the Legislative Assembly and issue a proclamation directing the issuance of the Writs of Election commencing Saskatchewan's 30th General Election

Public Submission

Loon Lake RCMP investigating structure fire Members Public

On the morning of September 28, 2024, Loon Lake RCMP responded to reports of a fire at a church on Main Street in Loon Lake.

Public Submission

Dealing with a Mid-Life Crisis Members Public

Is there such a thing as a mid-life crisis? Probably. It’s just hard to pin down, because we cannot precisely define ‘mid-life’, or ‘crisis’.

Public Submission
Health and Education

Saskatchewan commemorates National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Members Public

This important day of remembrance honours the survivors of residential schools, their families, their communities and the children who did not return.

Public Submission
Health and Education

Highway hotline introduces new highway condition terminology Members Public

The new terminology offers more clear and concise messaging that will help drivers make decisions about winter travel. The updated language is also more consistent with neighbouring provinces, which will make using the Hotline easier for people traveling across western Canada.

Public Submission
Health and Education

News Briefs - Sept 30 2024 Members Public

Sask delays energy standards, commits to reconciliation, enhances maternal mental health support, promotes firearms safety, reports record exports to Latin America, provides free menstrual products for students, plans to open City Hospital ER, invests in highways, and rejects federal emissions cap

Public Submission

Op-Ed - RM of McKillop No. 220 Silences Ratepayers Members Public

Council has been suspected of trying to silence ratepayers for some time now, but this year certainly has proved that this suspicion may be correct.

Public Submission

Fall Care of the Borders Members Public

Autumn is a lovely time of year. The air has a crispness to it and the colours are usually quite spectacular! Our chores in the garden change a little bit as freezing temperatures convince hardy plants, trees and shrubs to rest as winter approaches.

Public Submission
business and agriculture

The Sharps Creek Ranch Members Public

Nestled on a lush corner lot, this single-story ranch home plan embodies refined living with its view lot design

Public Submission
business and agriculture

October Skies 2024 Members Public

The Moon begins the month at new phase, also involved in an annular solar eclipse. The only land in position to see the eclipse is extreme southern Chile and Argentina, otherwise, the event is over the South Pacific.

Public Submission
free to read

Public Notices - Sept 23, 2024 Members Public

FOR - Lumsden, Nokomis, Quinton, Regina Beach

Public Submission

News Briefs - Sept 23 2024 Members Public

Legion facility upgrades, Construction investment growth, Financial literacy course, Rare earth metals, Lowest inflation rate, Disability facility funding, Nuclear research investment, Harvest progress update, Order of Merit, Olympic athlete recognition.

Public Submission
business and agriculture

Harvesting and Storage Members Public

As September continues, gardeners are still eating and processing the harvest from their gardens. It is extremely important when harvesting fruits and vegetables from the garden to ensure that the field heat is removed from the harvested produce as soon as possible.

Public Submission
business and agriculture

Flexibility When Planning a Wedding Members Public

A wedding, which should be a joyous and exciting process, however, often turns into a very stressful one at best, and a nightmare at worst.

Public Submission
Health and Education

SaskTel expands 5G service to Nokomis Members Public

And 50 rural and Indigenous communities and highway corridors

Public Submission
business and agriculture