Public Submission

Obituary - Dorothy Eva Bridges (Nee Turner) Members Public

August 4, 1924 - June 25, 2024

Public Submission
Obituaries Memoriams

A new green space named after a very special Lumsden Resident Members Public

There are people who make a big difference in a community through their kindness and dedication. This is the case of Angie Mack from Lumsden who now has a park in her name.

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Arts, Entertainment, Culture

Access BBQ Tour visits Raymore Members Public

Access Communications Co-operative is visiting 50 communities this summer during its annual Summer Barbeque Tour

Public Submission
Arts, Entertainment, Culture

Horizon School Division’s Subdivision 9 Trustee Resignation Members Public

Humboldt, SK – Horizon School Division No. 205 announces that Subdivision 9 Trustee, Douglas Armbruster, has resigned from his position on the Board of Education due to an upcoming move

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Health and Education

Experience Elegance in Eagle Crest 2 Retreat Members Public

Welcome to your dream A-Frame home, where architecture harmonizes with functionality and aesthetic appeal. The Eagle Crest 2 offers expansive living space designed for comfort, privacy, and luxury.

Public Submission
business and agriculture

Obituary DESFOSSES, Reginald Michael Members Public

“And, even in our sleep, pain, that cannot forget, falls, drop by drop, upon the heart, and, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us, by the awful grace of God.” - Escylus

Public Submission
Obituaries Memoriams

Growing Food in Containers Members Public

Container gardening is a great art and can even make gardening easier. Anywhere in the landscape containers can have a place. As life evolves we often have less space to garden in and time always seems to be in short supply.

Public Submission
Arts, Entertainment, Culture

Nokomis and area Doctor recognized for decades of service Members Public

In the Nokomis Recreation Center, over 200 people gathered to thank Dr. Lim for serving our communities for thirty years.

Public Submission
Health and Education

A recovery year for Last Mountain Lake Cultural Center Members Public

The LMLCC held its AGM in front of a few members on the evening of June 19th.

Public Submission
Arts, Entertainment, Culture

Afton, a charming craftsman-style three bedroom home plan Members Public

The Afton is a charming one-story house plan that blends nostalgic Craftsman features with modern design elements, making it a perfect choice for a three-bedroom home plan

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business and agriculture

Do You Know Your Teen's Friends Members Public

Is it reasonable for parents to know who their child’s friends are and to meet them? My answer would be definitely yes.

Public Submission
Health and Education

“Son” of a Vetch! - a QVV column Members Public

Growing up on a farm in the 1950’s, I would often hear my dad or neighbours say “Son of a _ _ tch!”, when something irritating or bad happened. I heard lots of swear words in those days, and have tried not to use them during my lifetime, although I’ve been tempted!

Public Submission
business and agriculture

Being Yourself Members Public

“The privilege of a lifetime is to be who you truly are.” — Carl Jung

Public Submission
Health and Education

Lumsden Museum is holding strong thanks to the work of volunteers Members Public

The Lumsden Museum holds a rich history that dates back to its humble beginnings. Established in 1972, the museum was created by a group of dedicated community members with a passion for preserving and showcasing the heritage of Lumsden and the surrounding area.

Public Submission
Health and Education

July Skies Members Public

The Moon was last quarter on June 28, so is waxing gibbous in the sky as July opens. On the 1st, Mars is 4 degrees south; on the 2nd, Uranus is 4 degrees south, and the Moon is 0.3 degrees from the Pleiades (the Seven Sisters); on the 3rd, Jupiter is 5 degrees south; and new Moon is on the 5th.

Public Submission
Arts, Entertainment, Culture

There is a time Members Public

The world is a mess! Where is the love? In all the war zones, discriminations and uprisings we need to love and pray for one another

Public Submission
Minister Message