Public Submission

Four interesting facts about the nursing profession in Canada Members Public

The nursing profession in Canada is a diverse field offering unique opportunities and challenges. Here are four fascinating facts about nursing in Canada:

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Health and Education

The Sprucewood Home Plan Members Public

Nestled within a serene neighbourhood framed by ancient spruce trees, the Sprucewood house plan embodies the timeless allure of Craftsman architecture and traditional charm.

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business and agriculture

The newness of life Members Public

It's spring time. A time where we see new life spring up. The grass and trees come out of their dormant state and look alive again. We see flocks of geese stop in the fields on their way back north to start a life anew for this year.

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Minister Message

Provincial News Briefs Members Public

CAA worst roads, FCC leaving, Red Dress day, Bot Battle, Nuclear, Out of province care, GDP record, Jewish Heritage Month, workplace violence, crop research, well drilling

Public Submission

Stress and World Conflict Members Public

Coping with stress related to world conflict can be challenging, given the constant barrage of distressing news and the feeling of powerlessness in the face of global challenges. Here are some things you can do to manage this stress.

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Arts, Entertainment, Culture

2024 BHP Jansen Scholarship Program Now Accepting Applications Members Public

Program Expands to Include 30 Schools and Communities and 6 First Nations

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Health and Education

Lumsden resonates with the sound of Philippine Madrigal Singers Members Public

On the evening of April 29th, 80 audience members and the St. Andrew's United Church vibrated to the sound of the Philippine Madrigal Singers, currently touring across Canada and visiting Saskatchewan for the first time. The event was preceded by a dinner at the Free Bird restaurant in Lumsden.

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Arts, Entertainment, Culture

Celebrating Nurses Across Saskatchewan Members Public

National Nursing Week from May 6 to 12 is an opportunity to celebrate over 19,000 nurses working across the province for their contributions to the health and well-being of Saskatchewan residents.

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Health and Education

My body is telling me... Members Public

I love my kids. They come up with incredible ideas. When we started on this journey of raising tiny humans I had no idea that they could challenge my thinking so much. The latest favourite phrase is “my body is telling me”.

Public Submission
Minister Message

Crises Members Public

Often, when I am working with someone in crisis, they have the natural feeling that their world is falling apart. Sometimes, it is.

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Arts, Entertainment, Culture

News in Brief Members Public

Saskatoon airport, Regina General Hospital, highway 6 project, authentication services, March driving expenses, Driving offences

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business and agriculture

Obituary - FALLER, Eileen (Dorothy) Members Public

93 years

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Obituaries Memoriams

2024 WUQWATR Poster Contest Members Public

“Wetlands and Wildlife is once again the theme for our poster contest,” says David Sloan, chair of the WUQWATR Board, following the nonprofit group’s annual meeting in Craik, Sask.

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Health and Education

May Skies Members Public

The Moon begins the month at last quarter, meaning 22+ days since new Moon, three-quarters of the way through the lunar month.

Public Submission
Arts, Entertainment, Culture

Springwood: Tranquil Elegance in Single-Story Living Members Public

From the moment you approach Springwood's impressive 11-foot-high covered porch, a sense of tranquility envelops you. This craftsman-style single-story home sets the stage for a living experience that seamlessly blends comfort and elegance.

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business and agriculture

OEHLER, Christian (Chris) Albert Members Public

93 years

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Obituaries Memoriams