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Lunch N’ Munch Relocates Members Public

The Bulyea Lunch N’ Munch restaurant has relocated down the street.

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Arts, Entertainment, Culture

Modern Craftsman Dream Home Plan Meadows Edge Members Public

A modern house plan that redefines the concept of home design. This 1-story Craftsman home is filled with contemporary floor plan features that cater to the needs of a modern family.

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business and agriculture

Staying Too Long in Bad Relationships Members Public

Over the years I have worked with many clients who were desperately unhappy in their relationship. Some stay even though there is abuse, and their sense of self is all but destroyed.

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Arts, Entertainment, Culture

News in Brief - March 18, 2024 Members Public

Farmland value, runoff forecast, bear spray, rural doctors, bridges culverts, rare earth, pruning Ban, modular reactors, home code

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The Sterling, a Captivating Country Home Members Public

exuding charm and sophistication, this unique floor plan is perfect for those who appreciate the rustic beauty of natural elements, such as shingles in the gables, lap siding, and stone accents that showcase the home’s charm.

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business and agriculture

Starting Seeds Part II Members Public

Last week our column focused on some of the basics surrounding starting your own seeds. We talked about plants needing light, water, warmth, oxygen and food to grow and a little bit about the seed itself. Growing your own plants from seed is magical.

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business and agriculture

Learning to Say "No" Members Public

“You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage -- pleasantly, smilingly, non-apologetically -- to say "no" to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger "yes" burning inside.” ~ Stephen Covey

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Arts, Entertainment, Culture

Obituary Anderson, Richard Lloyd Members Public

July 17, 1950 – February 19, 2024

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Obituaries Memoriams

Yes, police DO have the right to ask for that breath sample Members Public

What you need to know about mandatory roadside alcohol tests Here’s some advice from a friend who doesn’t want to see you get in trouble: If a police officer stops your vehicle and demands a breath sample to determine whether you have consumed alcohol before driving.

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How to Start Seeds Members Public

The wonder of a tiny seed germinating and growing into a mature plant that gives fruit is simply amazing. It is an experience for everyone regardless of your age or experience. It is an even more important experience as it also gives the knowledge of how to grow at least some of your own food.

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Arts, Entertainment, Culture

Brighten Your World with the Elliot House Plan Members Public

Step inside the Elliot, and you'll immediately be captivated by its unique window detailing. The slender ribbons of glass that border the larger panes create an intriguing visual effect, drawing the eye to the gently arched transom that crowns the largest window in a cluster of three.

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business and agriculture

Valley Views | Lumsden’s Sewage: Part of the Saga Members Public

As part of the Animal Kingdom, human beings release various wastes into the environment: CO2, sweat, urine and fecal matter, the latter two make sewage, which can definitely cause health problems if not appropriately managed.

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Health and Education

Keeping Your Relationship Strong Members Public

Building a strong and enduring relationship requires effort, nurturing and a shared commitment from both partners. I will outline the elements that can make or break a relationship.

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Arts, Entertainment, Culture

Lantern Cove's Timeless Elegance Awaits Members Public

Approaching the Lantern Cove a contemporary two-story home design, one is immediately struck by its unique modern exterior. The house features a shed roof, setting it apart from the more traditional homes in the neighborhood.

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business and agriculture

Accepting Others Members Public

As a psychologist and author, one of my favourite pastimes is to observe and reflect upon the human condition.

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Arts, Entertainment, Culture

Craik RCMP responded to a fatal house fire Members Public

At approximately 12:30 p.m. on February 18, 2024, Craik RCMP received a report of a house fire on Ottawa Street in Davidson, Saskatchewan.

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Health and Education