Civil wars

I find it amazing just how lightly Canadians take their civil liberties

Peter Foster

September 15, 2024

The RCMP has now adopted a blanket policy of mandatory breathalyzer tests for any routine stop. The reason being, that giving everyone a test is non- discriminatory! Well, it may be non-discriminatory, but we are also talking about a federal criminal offence that can affect your life and lifestyle, and not to be taken lightly!

Indeed, now, if you produce a failing breath sample, you are guilty at the point of infraction, and the burden of proof is on you to prove yourself innocent before you are ever given a chance to defend yourself in a court of law, where I have heard that a good lawyer, ten grand, a complete lack of morality, and an expert witness to testify as to the accuracy of breathalyzers, can get you off the hook! One wonders just when the world turned upside down.

As I have read, this contentious issue will probably not survive a constitutional challenge. Still, authorities also know that 99% of people charged lack the wherewithal and the financial resources to launch a constitutional challenge to establish the fact their rights have been maligned.

Mind you, I am also a gun owner, I have become so used to having my rights trampled and spat upon that I have become completely inured to the pain. I most certainly do not advocate for drunk drivers, but due process must be followed before police officers are allowed to demand anything of citizens without probable cause.

When we allow that to happen, it is the first tentative step on a slippery slope to a police state!

Views and opinions expressed here are those of the author.
