Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR / Unsplash

Everyone Can Be Creative

From the time a child can pick things up he experiments with different ways to put things together. He is constantly exploring: manipulating the things in his environment in myriad ways. There are no rules to follow or expectations to live up to.

Public Submission

-By Gwen Randall-Young

September 31, 2024

Children will try anything. They paint because it is fun to paint. They do not judge what they have done. It is not about that. They may decide to build something and are excited because they built it, not because of how it turned out.

If you can remember back to when you were little and did these things you will remember you did them because it was fun. Somewhere along the line, however, many children begin to compare their creations with those of others and judge theirs as less good. They are less likely to undertake creative endeavors because they do not make them feel successful.

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