Photo by Zoe Schaeffer / Unsplash

Focus some attention

Many may not be aware but the International Year of the Woman Farmer was officially launched June 27 at an event in Washington, D.C.

Calvin Daniels

July 14, 2024

"The International Year of the Woman Farmer shines a global spotlight on women in agriculture, highlighting the challenges they encounter while cultivating change," detailed the website. "Together, we can help bridge the gender gap, paving the way towards achieving food security, gender equality, and sustainability goals for a brighter, more equitable future. Discover how this initiative empowers nations worldwide to enact changes to provide women the same access to land tenure, training, financing, and technology."

The United Nations' designation is only symbolic, so it will not likely impart much in the way of actual change. Still, it does recognize that female farmers face different challenges than their male counterparts.

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