Life Races On

From time to time, we all get sick. Some more often than others, but everyone does. We all wish that life would stop so we can get better but it never does. If we stop moving, even life races on.

Public Submission

- By Rev. Rick Shott, Nokomis Baptist Church

September 3, 2024

The hymnist Issac Watts wrote, "Time, like an ever-rolling stream, bears all its sons away," a stark reminder that even in death, life continues. The last funeral I officiated had one son missing because his wife had recently delivered. A stark contrast reminding us all that life was going to carry on, making something new as we bade something old farewell.

We see this in everyday life, the farmers must stop for a rain even as winter is coming each day the tick of a clock. We grasp at memory to hold on to the past. As I work with the legion that is a key point, indeed I fear that too many have already forgotten the lessons of the past. It looks like too many mistakes are being repeated by the powerful. Even in family life, we hold onto pictures of the past to keep a memory of a wonderful day like a wedding, or of what our children were like. Their faces when they were younger are not the same as when they graduate; they grow up.

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