Op-Ed: Will Rural and Urban Municipal Amalgamations in Saskatchewan Become Reality
Saskatchewan's municipal landscape faces potential changes as amalgamation discussions gain traction
By Jan Derwores - Kamsack, SK.
January 20, 2025
Key points from this story:
- Saskatchewan praised for quality of life
- Federal policies impacting provinces negatively
- Municipal amalgamation proposals under consideration
- Rural-urban mergers may not benefit rural areas
- Concerns over loss of local governance
- Similarities drawn to Winnipeg Metropolitan Region plan
I have heard it said that Saskatchewan may be one of the best Canadian provinces in which to live, if not the best. With wide open spaces, clean air, abundant fresh water and unparalleled natural beauty, Saskatchewan is a jewel in the crown of Canada. People in this province are "Saskatchewan tough," resilient, capable and hard-working. The province is known for periods of harsh weather, strong winds and brutal summer hailstorms, all of which contribute to the hardy constitution of its citizens. For those who are born and raised here and call this province "home" it is hard to leave and not return for holidays, homecoming celebrations and family gatherings to reconnect with one's roots. Saskatchewan is a large land mass with a relatively small population base yet has always pulled its own weight on the Canadian stage. Employers worldwide have welcomed Saskatchewan raised individuals with open arms because of their strong work ethic which is a trademark of sorts.
Of late Canada and the world have perceptively changed. Change is inevitable and ongoing. Although Ontario and Quebec are two provinces which have always been granted the lion's share of the Canadian spotlight, Saskatchewan has been a thriving province with the "slow and steady wins the race" mentality. But the current Federal Liberal government in Ottawa has made some questionable policy decisions which have negatively impacted the entire country. Out of control spending and mismanagement by Ottawa has resulted in high inflation in Canada. The desire to streamline operations in every sector of the economy to help mitigate high costs, promote efficiency and reduce duplication of effort has led to such measures as amalgamations.
Ottawa, and especially Minister of Environment Steven Guilbeault, has made no secret of repeating that the policy of a Carbon Tax is being enforced in order to change behaviour, not to make a beneficial difference to the climate. Yet the "Carbon Tax" as it is known to most Canadians, contributes greatly to inflation in this country, causing the price of all goods and services to rise. Life has become expensive in urban and rural areas. It is felt more in rural areas where the cost of living has traditionally been higher.
In December, newly re-elected Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe's Sask Party government released a very limited time survey asking for input into its proposed updates to the basic legislation around Municipalities. Not surprisingly, one of the critical issues that the provincial government is looking at is amalgamating municipalities. Merging urban and rural municipalities. Typically urban municipalities are more socialist and have higher service costs since every person must be provided with water, sewer, garbage removal and other services. Alternatively, rural folks are more self- sufficient, providing their own water, sewer management, often their own heating systems and they have plenty of space to walk around so they have little need for public parks and exercise facilities.
Amalgamation of rural and urban municipalities will present no benefit for the rural municipalities. It may be a benefit to the urban municipalities which could benefit by scooping up the typically large cash reserves normally held by rural municipalities. However, an urban municipality which tries to fix itself by gobbling up the rural municipalities surrounding it is putting a Band-Aid on a festering sore. The sore must be cleaned up before a Band-Aid is applied.
This move to merge municipalities is no different than what we see and hear happening to our eastern neighbor as Winnipeg Metropolitan District (WMR) and Brandon districts are being set up. These endeavours which came about with a secretive abdication of the responsibilities of the rural municipalities over a convincing "sales pitch" extolling the virtues of efficiency by globalist socialists who value citizens' freedoms far less than they value bureaucracy and heavy-handed government policy. Ask yourself, are you willing to relinquish the freedom to have an input in how your municipality is governed?
Saskatchewan has a limited opportunity to pay attention and heed the agenda that has already been largely exposed in Manitoba with the WMR. Ken Drysdale, Chris Riddell and the rest of the members of the Manitoba Stronger Together group have compiled an expose about the WMR: https://www.manitibastrongertogether.ca/wmr20-50. This is ultimately what is intended by the socialist bureaucrats who are floating the idea of merging municipalities in Saskatchewan. The WMR 2050 plan legislates the closure of public streets, closure of private wells in rural areas, forces maximum number of "units" (dwellings) on private property, among other things.
The Sask Party government survey closed on December 14, 2024. The results of the survey are not available at this writing. Saskatchewan residents need to become involved by contacting their local municipal councillor or reeve and begin an important dialogue before it is too late to prevent The End of Your Municipality.
This is a first installment of a series of educational and proactive articles and is an initiative of the people to support and develop good municipal government. The opportunity to become involved and speak out is now.
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