Saskatchewan Recognizes Pharmacy Appreciation Month

Pharmacists' contributions celebrated in Saskatchewan.

Public Submission

- Media Release, SK Gov’t

March 19, 2025

key points from this story:

  • Pharmacy Appreciation Month declared.
  • Pharmacists are highly trained professionals.
  • Pharmacists prescribe for 34 conditions.
  • Pharmacy technicians support pharmacists.
  • Over 2,200 pharmacists in Saskatchewan.
  • Pharmacies are first healthcare contact.

The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed March as Pharmacy Appreciation Month to celebrate the many contributions of pharmacists across the province. "This is an opportunity for us to recognize the important work pharmacists do every day - and the role pharmacy technicians and assistants play - in helping care for the people of Saskatchewan," Health Minister Jeremy Cockrill said. "We recognize that pharmacists are highly trained and trusted professionals and in many communities, the pharmacy is the first point of contact to access health care."

The province has collaborated with pharmacists on initiatives in recent years to improve patient care in the province, including the expansion of pharmacists' ability to prescribe for certain conditions. Pharmacists were first granted the authority to prescribe for three minor ailments in 2012. Currently, Saskatchewan pharmacists can prescribe for 34 conditions such as cold sores, sinus infections, nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, bladder infections, and shingles. The full list of conditions is available at the Government of Saskatchewan website.

Regulated pharmacy technicians and pharmacy assistants support pharmacists by performing a variety of technical and dispensary functions, which allow pharmacists to focus on working to their highest scope of practice. Expanding pharmacists' scope of practice optimizes their skills, builds capacity within the health care system, and brings care closer to home, allowing patients to have greater access to health services. There are more than 2,200 practising pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in more than 430 licensed community pharmacies, hospitals, and clinics across Saskatchewan.

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