Health and Education

Lumsden Museum is holding strong thanks to the work of volunteers Members Public

The Lumsden Museum holds a rich history that dates back to its humble beginnings. Established in 1972, the museum was created by a group of dedicated community members with a passion for preserving and showcasing the heritage of Lumsden and the surrounding area.

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Health and Education

Spreading Cheer Members Public

I was shopping one evening recently, picking up a few odds and ends in a department store. As one of my purchases was too big to carry around, one of the service clerks left it at the customer service desk, so that I could pick it up when I was finished.

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Health and Education

Day Care Expansion Gets Boost Members Public

ADAMA Canada invests $10,000 in Lanigan Day Care to help increase childcare in the area

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Thriving in the "Golden Years" Members Public

The golden years are often perceived as a period of decline, but for many, they represent a time of flourishing and growth.

Public Submission
Health and Education

Lanigan to benefit from innovative virtual physician program Members Public

The virtual physician program is a temporary measure to help maintain access to local ED services while the SHA continues to stabilize health human resources, particularly in rural and remote communities.

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Health and Education

War Amps 2024 key tags en route to Nokomis Members Public

Nokomis and surrounding area residents can expect to receive their 2024 War Amps key tags in the mail starting this week.

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Health and Education

Supporting a Terminally Ill Person Members Public

Supporting someone with a terminal illness requires empathy, patience, and understanding. It is a challenging journey both for the individual facing the illness and their loved ones. Below are some ways to provide meaningful support.

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Health and Education

Four interesting facts about the nursing profession in Canada Members Public

The nursing profession in Canada is a diverse field offering unique opportunities and challenges. Here are four fascinating facts about nursing in Canada:

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Health and Education

2024 BHP Jansen Scholarship Program Now Accepting Applications Members Public

Program Expands to Include 30 Schools and Communities and 6 First Nations

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Celebrating Nurses Across Saskatchewan Members Public

National Nursing Week from May 6 to 12 is an opportunity to celebrate over 19,000 nurses working across the province for their contributions to the health and well-being of Saskatchewan residents.

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2024 WUQWATR Poster Contest Members Public

“Wetlands and Wildlife is once again the theme for our poster contest,” says David Sloan, chair of the WUQWATR Board, following the nonprofit group’s annual meeting in Craik, Sask.

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New Care Home Opens in Lumsden Members Public

After 4 long and difficult years, in a ribbon cutting ceremony held April 21 with Lumsden Mayor Bryan Matheson, Pamela Johnson has received the green light to open her doors to a new care facility in Lumsden, Saskatchewan.

Terri Young
Health and Education

Humboldt Broncos memorial site Members Public

The site of the crash on April 6, 2018

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Nokomis Early Learning Centre annual fundraiser Members Public

A Luau-themed supper and cabaret featuring catering, an auction and prizes

Quin Greig
Health and Education

News Briefs for April 8, 2024 Members Public

Anglers, SGI Stats, Law student placements, red tape reduction, liquor regulations, new EMS system, water reservoirs, oil and gas, new SK head of pediatrics, international students

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Health and Education

Growth, Expansion and Change Members Public

What’s on the horizon for the town of Nokomis and the surrounding area. Local citizens are invited to learn about coming opportunities, provide their input and pose questions at a Town Hall meeting.

Quin Greig
Health and Education