
Jordan Wiens to be Sask NDP Candidate in Dakota-Arm River Members Public

The Saskatchewan NDP has named Jordan Wiens as candidate in Dakota-Arm River for the next provincial election. Wiens was nominated by local Saskatchewan New Democrat members earlier today.

Public Submission

Provincial News Briefs - June 10 2024 Members Public

Federal AI, SGI unsafe vehicles, Added Jobs, More nurse positions, highschool courses, New Coroner, New Judges, affordable housing

Public Submission

Problems we know exist Members Public

Monday, (April 22) was Earth Day. Sadly, I suspect very few were aware, and fewer still gave the significance of the day much serious thought.

Calvin Daniels

News in brief - April 22 2025 Members Public

Ticks, Construction investment, saskgaming and unions, Gov. General visiting, Vet investments, COVID eligible, new radio ownership, housing surge, carbon tax

Public Submission

News in Brief - March 18, 2024 Members Public

Farmland value, runoff forecast, bear spray, rural doctors, bridges culverts, rare earth, pruning Ban, modular reactors, home code

Public Submission

Sour Grapes Members Public

Don Cherry recently celebrated his 90th birthday. Ron Maclean even bought him a card, I assume he must have found it under a bus somewhere, seeing as that was where Maclean so callously tossed Cherry after Rogers fired the iconic master of Coaches Corner.

Public Submission

PC Leader Buscholl Calls for Official Inquiry into Regina Bypass Project Members Public

Saskatoon, SK–Progressive Conservative Party of Saskatchewan Leader Rose Buscholl is calling for an official judicial inquiry and forensic audit of the Regina Bypass Project, the largest public works project in the history of the province of Saskatchewan.

Public Submission

RM of McKillop Council meeting highlights Members Public

Contract awarded, 13K Snowblade, Hamlets’ budget, donation policy, RDARM, Gravel extraction bylaw, SK Lotto grant money, Sun Dale water, Street lights Uhl’s Bay, and more

Public Submission

RM of McKillop Council Meeting Dec 12, 2023 Members Public

Reports, Fox’s Point, Bulk Oil, Gravel, Lakeshore zoning, equipment, SGI Grants, Hamlet Policy, Solid waste strategy, Strasbourg Library, RM Survey

Public Submission

Rowan’s Ravine and Island View pull out of Strasbourg fire contract in favour of Silton Members Public

McKillop may follow. Strasbourg says they won’t compromise on standards - not enough money provided by Provincial and Federal governments for municipal fire departments.


Letter to the editor - You didn’t see this in the Council Meeting Minutes Members Public

As I prepare to close down the cottage for another year, I am filled with trepidation. And with good reason.

Public Submission

The town of Lumsden may follow the lead of Weyburn RM Members Public

Delays with Community Planning affect a resolution at the SARM mid-term convention


RM of McKillop and Rowan’s Ridge make their case Members Public

A decision on whether or not to quash the RM of McKillop’s newly enacted Campground bylaw is now in the hands of Justice Graeme Mitchell.


Town treads water on swimming pool plans, ten-year master-plan in development Members Public

With the community survey completed, the Town of Lumsden has hoved discussions addressing the need for a community swimming pool


Earthship denied by RM despite having no architectural control Members Public

After asking MacPheat Park for input, developer needs to change design to make it more pleasing


Little church bridge finally to be replaced Members Public

Three years without a crossing about to come to an end
