
Premier, MLA, Mayor and other officials cut ribbon at Strasbourg’s Lion’s Park Members Public

The lush green grass of the landscaped grounds provided a backdrop for the playground, pickleball court, raised gardens and ceremony.


Local RM of Lumsden Councilor elected to SARM board of directors Members Public

Cody Jordison, a primary care paramedic for over 19 years, will focus on rural healthcare


Meeting Chair remains in chair Members Public

Reeve Bob Schmidt is going to remain in his place around the table after Councillor Arndt suggested he might move to the head of the Council table so Zoom attendees could see him.


Motion to reduce speed to 60 km/hr on all RM of McKillop roads rescinded Members Public

Council votes unanimously to rescind after public response


Last Mountain Touchwood MLA Travis Keisig on 2023 Budget Members Public

Fully funding crop insurance. 38 million going towards research and innovation


Regina Beach - byelection and plebiscite results Members Public

“Testing the waters of public opinion to see if council should invest the time to create a bylaw/s for either of these issues.”
