Regina Beach

Town of Regina Beach - Notice of Preparation of Assessment Roll Paid Members Public
Public Notice
Town of Regina Beach - TAX ENFORCEMENT LIST Paid Members Public
Public Notice

South Shore School Honours September 30th Paid Members Public
The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Public Notice - Town of Regina Beach Paid Members Public
Municipal Election Public Notice is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the offices of: Mayor:Town of Regina Beach Number to be Elected: 1 (one) Councillor: Town of Regina Beach Number to be Elected: 6 (six) will be received by the undersigned on the following days: During normal office

Seven Meadows Farm swings gates for Open Farm Days Paid Members Public
On August 10th and 11th, the family-run Greenhouse south of Regina Beach hosted an event focusing on sharing Saskatchewan culinary and agriculture experiences and stories.

Regina Beach Tells Its Story Paid Members Public
Dozens of historical signs will soon be installed along Centre Street and the walking trail.

Monique Martin, screen printer and environmentalist Paid Members Public
Since October 2023, Saskatoon-based Fransaskoise visual artist Monique Martin has been offering an immersive travelling exhibition entitled “Breathturn”

Enjoying Culture & Celebration in Regina Beach Paid Members Public
It is stunning and one of the first structures to see when driving into Regina Beach. A colourful teepee is erected on the grounds of the South Shore Elementary School in recognition of National Truth and Reconciliation Day

The U15 Lumsden/Bethune Lynx play in the SK Female Hockey League Paid Members Public
The Lynx beat out Rouleau, Southwest and Weyburn to advance to the finals against the Northwest Hawks.

Regina Beach - byelection and plebiscite results Paid Members Public
“Testing the waters of public opinion to see if council should invest the time to create a bylaw/s for either of these issues.”