RM Lumsden

RM of Lumsden No. 189 - Notice of Preparation of Assessment Roll Paid Members Public
Public Notice
R.M. of Lumsden - Notice of Poll Paid Members Public
Public Notice
R.M. of Lumsden - TAX ENFORCEMENT LIST Paid Members Public
Public Notice
RM of Lumsden No. 189 - Notice of Advance Voting Paid Members Public
Public Notice
RM of Lumsden No. 189 - Notice of Abandonment of Poll Paid Members Public
Public Notice
Public Notice - RM of Lumsden Paid Members Public
Notice of Call for Nominations
Public Notice - RM of Lumsden No. 189 Paid Members Public
Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the RM of Lumsden No. 189 intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw No. 07-2012, known as the Zoning Bylaw.

RM of Lumsden By-Election Results Paid Members Public
Voters choose farmer Steve Eckel

They have dam guidelines for that Paid Members Public
One mammal's palace is another’s stick in the mud. The topic of beaver dam removal came up at a council meeting recently.
By-election in RM of Lumsden for Division 1 Paid Members Public
Three candidates vying for the seat

RM of Lumsden amends council procedures to increase transparency Paid Members Public
Meeting minutes will include conflict of interest discussion notes

Updated: Lumsden RCMP investigating report of luring incident at Regina Beach Paid Members Public
On September 21, 2023 at approximately 10:00 p.m., Lumsden RCMP received a report of a potential child luring on 5th Ave in Regina Beach, SK.

RM of Lumsden will return to in-person meetings Paid Members Public
Like many councils across the Province, during the pandemic, the RM of Lumsden Council moved to meeting exclusively over Zoom, then after restrictions were lifted, slowly moved to return to meeting in person for the afternoon meetings and have been continuing to use Zoom meet in the evening

Lumsden takes first place Paid Members Public
2.7 million dollar, five-year Solar Project a major win March 16, 2023 - The water and wastewater treatment committee, along with the solar, planning and economic development committees, began a five-year task of building a new wastewater treatment facility, along with the installation of a four-location solar project. Preparations