Photo by Benjamin Brunner / Unsplash

The Worn-out Tire

Every spring, like most of my neighbors, I resort to cleaning around our place. This year, like in the past 12, I tackled the wood shed first.

Public Submission

- Dennis Kresier, Layperson, Last Mountain Anglican Parish

Feb 12, 2025

There is an old tire and rim that have been a nuisance for years. I don’t remember how it came to be in our possession. It is absolutely good for nothing as it fits nothing that we own. Every year I always move it several times as it is in my way. This year I decided to get rid of it one way or another. It was put in a garage sale for $2.00 and no one wanted it. It was offered for “Free” -—no takers.

I made a trip to our local landfill but they don’t take tires or wheels there. I brought it back home and laid it in the corner of my drive. It lay there several weeks and then one day a thought came to me. Why not clean it up and put it to use as an ornament?

I cleaned up the treadless surface, painted the rim, and set it back in the same corner; set a beautiful flowering plant on it and it looks totally different and eye catching. What a transformation it has made to our entrance and driveway! It has been put to good use.

This incident reminds me of our lives that can, at times, seem to be worn out and of no further use any more. We, like this old wheel and tire, were made by a manufacturer. This manufacturer has made us in His own image. He has given us a lifetime warranty and an extended warranty for all eternity if we so desire it. However, we have to ask and request this extension!!

This is a personal decision for each of us. Like the worn-out tire and rim in my front drive, God can reach down and pick us up anywhere we can be found; ditch, junkyard, woodshed, etc. etc. He can clean us up with a “spiffy” new look and get us back on life’s highway, or byway and use us to bring beauty and glory to Himself, our great manufacturer!

What is the state and condition of your life situation? Let Him make the necessary changes to make you beautiful and useful once again.

Minister MessageGovan17feb25
