Three Temptations
The three temptations of Jesus during Lent.
- Deacon Norbert Gaudet, RC Church, Raymore
March 19, 2025
key points from this story:
- Jesus faced three temptations in the desert.
- Temptations are comfort, power, and pride.
- The devil tempts in weak moments.
- Jesus resisted all temptations.
- Lent is a time for reflection and change.
- Fasting and prayer help resist temptations.
We're in the season of Lent, a time to reflect and make a conscious effort to make changes in our lives for the better, to be a better version of ourselves. The forty days before the celebration of Easter, the resurrection of Jesus, corresponds with the forty days Jesus spent in the desert fasting and praying before starting his public ministry. It is during this time that he was tempted by the devil.
The devil constantly tempts. What are the three temptations Jesus underwent in the desert? They are the same today as they were at Jesus' time. The devil hasn't changed his tactics. Bishop Barron describes them as the temptations of comfort, power, and pride. In our weakest moment is when the devil springs into action as he did with Jesus. Being hungry after fasting, “The devil said to him 'If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become a loaf of bread'.” (NRSV). We all have our comfort food and drink. We all want to have it easy and enjoy our sensual pleasure. In themselves there is nothing wrong with them but when those are the things that govern your life you are being led down the wrong path.
In the second temptation, the devil shows Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and says to him, “If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours” (NRSV). If the lust to dominate, to have all the power, governs your path in life, you are worshipping power rather than God. You are serving yourself rather than God. We are to worship God alone.
In the third temptation, the devil tests Jesus by saying to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, for it is written 'He will command his angels concerning you, to protect you ... '. Jesus answered. It is said, 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test'.” (NRSV). Trying to use God for your own purpose is letting your pride govern you. We are to surrender to God's purpose not the other way around.
Throughout Lent is a good time to re-evaluate where you are at in regards to these three temptations. Am I too focused on comfort and disregarding others around me? Am I too focused on having glory and power to the extent of forgetting about others' needs? Am I too focused on me, myself, and I that God becomes irrelevant to me or I am asking for what I want rather than what God wants?
We are all good at using diversions to live superficially rather than facing our faults head on and making changes to be better human beings. During this time, let us reflect and consciously work at improving ourselves. We can do this by praying, fasting (not only from food but from hurting words, sadness, anger, pessimism, worries, complaints, pressures, bitterness, selfishness, grudges, gossip, and the list goes on), and spending our time, our talents, and our resources in helping the needy. May the Lord bless you in your efforts to be better.
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